Dodatkowy kanał informacyjny
Siedmiocalowy interaktywny ekran dotykowy LCD daje dodatkowy kanał wymiany informacji i przekazu marketingowego kierowanego do pasażerów.
Siedmiocalowy interaktywny ekran dotykowy LCD daje dodatkowy kanał wymiany informacji i przekazu marketingowego kierowanego do pasażerów.
Dostępne są funkcje dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami: tryb wysokokontrastowy, tryb głosowy, lupa.
Obsługa szerokiego zakresu złożoności związanych z biletami i zmieniających się potrzeb klientów.
Odciążenie kierowcy poprzez udostępnienie samoobsługowej sprzedaży biletów.
Advanced operations management, accurate real-time predictions and smart passenger information with our solutions.
Ridango dostarczyło platformę pokładowej sprzedaży biletów jednemu z największych organów transportu publicznego w Szwecji – Skånetrafiken. Wyposażenie do sprzedaży biletów dostarczone przez Ridango zainstalowano w ponad 1000 pojazdów, umożliwiając płatności zbliżeniowe EMV i kasowanie biletów mobilnych.
Accelerated service transformation, advanced operations management and accurate real-time predictions.
Od 2012 roku Ridango jest dostawcą kompletnego rozwiązania biletowego w Tallinnie, stolicy Estonii. Oprócz dostawy i wsparcia systemu biletowego, Ridango obsługuje również pełną sieć sprzedaży detalicznej, w tym zarządza systemem e-portmonetki interoperacyjnym z innymi regionami Estonii.
Advanced operations management and accurate real-time predictions.
To make it easier for residents to move around the city in already difficult conditions, for surface public transport Kyiv now uses a swipe payment solution created by an Estonian technology company Ridango.
“It is very important for the people of Kyiv that they can continue their daily activities as efficiently as possible even in the conditions of war, and in a big city, the comfortable functioning of public transport plays a significant role in this. To make it possible, we have developed a solution where passengers can confirm their right to travel by simply swiping a bank card, a phone, or a smart watch. The solution works in buses, trams, and trolleybuses, helping Ukraine move towards a better future,” said Vahur Viigimäe, project manager at Ridango.
Public transport in Kyiv stopped on the first day of the war, and it was decided to start it again on a symbolic date – May 9 this year. At the moment, street transport runs in a slightly reduced volume compared to pre-war times. “Every day, 1 million trips are validated, 29-30 million per month. This is half as much as before the war, but it is clear that the people of Kyiv are in dire need of convenient public transport,” Viigimäe added.
Viigimäe noted that the challenges in creating a solution for public transport in Kyiv were also technical: “They use the so-called Kyiv cards, which, in addition to having a banking application, are also used in transport services. Most holders of these cards have the right to travel free of charge. Therefore, it was necessary to ensure that such persons do not have to pay the fare.” The Ridango payment solution supports MasterCard and Visa cards (including virtual ones), and at the end of the year, support for Prostir cards, domestic payment cards of Ukraine, will also be added.
Ridango is a rapidly growing Estonian technology company. “Our ambitious goal is to become the world’s leading provider of smart transport systems and a well-established group of technology companies related to the public transport sector by 2026,” said the chairman of the management board of Ridango Erki Lipre.
Ridango is providing an account-based ticketing system and real-time passenger information solution for Södermanland County.
Ridango is providing an account-based ticketing system and real-time passenger information solution for Södermanland County. The supply includes among other things all necessary vehicle hardware as well as POS devices for retail network, but also customer web portal and end-to-end functionality for complete fare collection. The sophisticated real-time system provides an overview of all public buses and interfaces to support spreading the real-time information to the wider public.
Ridango’s ticketing system helped to expand the ticket sales network and improve the services for passengers.